2024: Release Notes
Important! These release notes were current and correct at the time of the associated release and are not updated as new features and enhancements are developed for new released of iMIS EMS. Be aware that over time, these release notes may not depict the latest iMIS functionality.

Stripe gateway available in all regions
The Stripe gateway is available in the UK and Euro regions by default and can be made available in all other regions upon request. If you are outside of the UK or Euro regions, please contact your AiSP or CPIL to learn how to get started with the Stripe gateway.
UK Direct debits for the Stripe gateway
Direct debit payments have been implemented for the Stripe gateway in the UK. In addition, reconciliation of direct debit payments within iMIS enables staff to easily track both initial and recurring payments, minimizing manual effort and enhancing accuracy in financial reporting.
Generating membership renewals automatically
Organizations can now fully automate membership renewals by using two new process automation tasks:
- Generate membership renewals – Generates and posts renewal invoices for a selected billing cycle, automating the manual process at Membership > Renewals > Generate renewals.
- Send membership renewal invoices to Pay Central – For AutoPay users, this task sends renewal invoices directly to Pay Central, enabling complete automation of recurring membership renewal payments.
See Automating the membership renewal process.
Overriding the default start month for annual billing cycles
Easily define custom start months for annual billing cycles using the First month of term option, which allows member types to follow unique billing schedules within the same organization. This option, available in Membership > Billing cycles and the Membership Configuration Wizard, applies only to the term dates of the specific billing cycle and does not impact the fiscal year defined in Finance settings. See Managing different start months for annual memberships.
Assigning a customer type when creating a new account
The Contact Account Creator includes new configuration options for assigning default customer types to individual and organization contacts. Staff can override these pre-configured types when adding contacts, while new contacts created by public users automatically receive the pre-configured types. If no customer type is specified, the system default from the Organization settings is applied automatically.
Exploring additional ASI products, licensed features, and iMIS integrations
Easily review a comprehensive overview of additional ASI products from the application menu located in the header of the Staff site or from Help > Enhance iMIS. From these new areas, users can explore all ASI offerings, such as Clowder, OpenWater, and TopClass. Simply click one of the offerings in the menu to learn more about it.
Also from Help > Enhance iMIS, review all available licensed features not yet purchased, or easily navigate to the iMIS Marketplace where you can discover the full range of iMIS integrations.
Updated banners on out-of-the-box account pages
The Staff site features fresh, updated banners for both individual and organization out-of-the-box account pages. Custom account pages will retain their original banners. To begin using the updated banner style on custom account pages, see Editing custom account pages.
Special character support for product and event details
Product and event titles, descriptions, and event notes now support extended special characters, including Māori macrons. To accommodate this enhancement, the character limit for product and event titles has been increased from 60 to 120. Custom business objects built on database tables or out-of-the-box views automatically support this feature, while those built on custom views may require manual updates. For details on enabling this feature in custom views, see the related Tech Alert.
- Using the Membership Configuration Wizard beyond initial setup - Once you have completed the initial setup of the Membership Configuration Wizard, you have the flexibility to revisit and update any specific configuration settings by going to Membership > Configuration wizard. Other options for navigating the wizard (either on setup or maintenance) have also been added such as the options to Save or return to a Previous screen.
- Updated event question editing - When editing event questions, users can now simply click on the individual edit icon next to the question they want to modify, eliminating the need to click the question row and then select Edit selected.
- Improved visibility of query security settings - The security of a query is clearly defined using tags near the query name. The tag will read either Public, Limited, Private, or Internal. Additionally, the query Security tab contains more details regarding the security of the query.
- Certificate expiration alerts added to the About iMIS page - To enhance visibility of certificate status and prevent service disruptions, the About iMIS page (Settings > About iMIS) now displays alerts for expired or expiring certificates. When either of these alerts display, contact ASI support for further guidance.
Upgrade changes
- Enhanced HTML editor accessibility - The updated WCAG accessibility guidelines now recommend using the Firefox browser for navigating the HTML editor.
- Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) renamed to Entra ID - When setting up OpenID Connect (OIDC) , the external directory formerly known as Azure Active Directory has been renamed to Entra ID. There are no changes to functionality, only the name has been updated for consistency with recent branding.

Easy Edit inline editing for simple mode
Content records with Content Html items in Simple mode can be edited directly within the page, making content updates faster and more efficient. See Content Html for more details.
Adding descriptions to prepayments
Staff users can add a description when entering a prepayment. This description is saved in the Notes field of the PaymentSummary business object. The description is added to the open credit invoice's description and appears in both the Notes section of the invoice and payment details windows.
Additionally, the description is visible when searching for open credits from the cart and appears in the payment confirmation window and email. See Applying prepayments for more details.
Searching the licensed features list
The Licensed features section of the About iMIS page includes a search bar that enables system administrators to search for a specific license. There is also a count of the current active licenses.
- Properties added to CsInvoice business object - The CsInvoice business object now includes the Accounting_Method, Payment_Amount, and Original_Invoice_Reference_Num properties, enabling more effective invoice tracking and reporting.
Upgrade changes
- Updating the standard and advanced email settings - Both standard and advanced email settings are now available on the same page. To update any email settings, navigate to Settings > Email settings.
- Managing AVAIL_CREDIT after upgrading to iMIS EMS - After upgrading to iMIS EMS, AVAIL_CREDIT credits from iMIS 2017 are now automatically applied to cash dues renewals, generating an open batch that must be posted to finalize the credit application. These credits can be managed manually by unapplying, reversing, or refunding the associated payments.
- Removal of temporary IQA API access methods - As stated in the original documentation for the IQA Security changes, the temporary security fix that granted staff users automatic API access has been removed. To maintain API access, queries must have Available via the REST API enabled. For more details, see the latest tech alert.
Note: With this release, the email settings (both standard and advanced) have been consolidated into a single page (Settings > Email settings). Although some new settings are now visible, there are no changes to the email processes or services at this time. The use of the iMIS mail service to send standard emails is not yet available for all clients. We are currently soft-launching this feature with a limited group, and we will notify everyone when it is fully ready for general use. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new feature.
- Working with AVAIL_CREDIT balances after upgrading
- Recipient and data source queries
- Scoring examples:
- New videos:
- Deleting subscription records
- Changing member types
- Correcting membership renewal billings (rebilling)
- Updating email addresses
- Creating a new source and adding it to a form
- Adjusting the bill-to contact for unpaid event invoices
- Using saved payment methods
- Updating out-of-the-box content records
- Overriding the default order type in the cart
- Cancelling orders
- Associating source codes with donations
- Assigning source codes from the shopping cart
- Settings audit
- Using the Query Audit tool

Sending password reset emails directly to contacts
To mitigate the risks associated with administrators manually updating passwords on behalf of contacts, password reset emails can be manually sent to contacts from the account page Security tab or Community > Security > Users. The password reset email includes a secure link for the contact to update their password, allowing users to reset their passwords without needing to click the Forgot password? link. See Resetting passwords for full details.
Special character support for contact names
Contact names now support special characters, including Māori macrons. This enhancement ensures accurate entry, storage, and display of special characters across dashboards, forms, search results, reports, imports, and duplicate management processes. Custom business objects built on database tables or out-of-the-box views will automatically support this feature, while those built on custom views may require manual updates. For details on enabling this feature in custom business objects, see the related Tech Alert.
Enhancements to Easy Edit: Streamlined content management and publishing
The following changes appear when Easy Edit is enabled:
- Displaying unpublished changes: Previously, you always saw the published version of the content. Now, you will see the working version of the content. The page will display a status of This page has unpublished changes with a Publish Page button to indicate this.
- Custom content configuration: Each content item now has a Configure button. Click this button to quickly access and adjust the content item's configuration options.
- Content record edit bar: Now located at both the top and bottom of the page, this bar includes an Open in Content Designer link to easily open the page for editing.
- Status messages for recent changes: After making changes, the content record will display helpful messages such as, Page saved, Page published, This page has unpublished changes, and Page added to publishing queue.
- Publishing: When the status is Page saved or This page has unpublished changes, you can quickly publish the page using the Publish Page button.
- Approval for non-publishers: Content authors without publishing permissions will see new status messages and buttons to submit content for approval.
- iMIS is WCAG Level 2.2 compliant - iMIS complies with the WCAG 2.2 standards and meets the new accessibility requirements established by this level.
- Customizing HTTP security headers - System administrators can customize HTTP security headers, including Content security policy (CSP) and X-Frame-Options, via a dedicated settings page. Customization of these settings is strongly discouraged without advanced expertise, as improper adjustments may compromise both the functionality and security of your website. To use this feature, contact support.
Upgrade Changes
- Images folder and sub-folders cannot be deleted - The images folder, located in RiSE > Page Builder > Manage images and RiSE > Document system, cannot be deleted, including the Icons and Samples sub-folders within. A lock icon has been placed on the folder as a reminder.
- Logging relationship deletions in the Change history - When a relationship is deleted, the change is recorded in the change logs of both associated contacts with the format Relationship.Deleted - RelationshipID. This logging allows the TopClass integration to accurately track when the Company Administrator or Training Manager roles are removed from a contact record.
- Automatic default value for blank media asset inventory - When a media asset inventory is left blank, the inventory value is automatically set to 9999 upon save.
- Deprecated templates and themes removed from iMIS - The following out-of-the-box deprecated templates and themes have been removed from iMIS. If any websites are using these templates and themes, they must be updated:
- Templates
- Forest
- Plants
- Sapling
- Mountains
- Templates

Updating username when email changes
When users update their email address in the Panel Editor or Contact Address Editor, they are prompted to update their username if it matches the old email. Users must confirm the change by entering their password, after which the username updates to the new email, and a confirmation email is sent. See Updating email addresses for full details.
Adding images using simple mode in the Content HTML content item
Easily add images via the Image Manager when using the Content Html content item in Simple mode. Previously, adding images was only available in Advanced mode. See Content Html for details.
- Membership Configuration Wizard Term length and primary fees update- When configuring member type term length and primary fees in the Membership Configuration Wizard, staff users can choose Variable term lengths and add multiple primary fee options.
- Annual Conference mobile website updated with a new template and theme - To align with the iMIS Annual Conference site, the Annual Conference mobile site has been updated with a new default template and theme. The default theme is now Glacier Bay Responsive and the default template is Natural Heritage Sites Responsive.
- Excluding individuals from potential duplicate searches - The None potential duplicate formula is available for individual contacts (Community > Manage duplicates > Settings tab). When selected, the formula excludes individuals from new potential duplicate searches, searching only for duplicate organizations.
Upgrade Changes
- Adding a new product group requires additional permissions - When creating or editing a commerce product, there is the option to assign the purchaser of the product to a group. Staff may choose an existing group or create a new group. With this upgrade, staff must have the Customers: 5 module authorization to create a new group.
- Dynamic group views reinstated - Using dynamic group views (those starting with vlqa) for custom business objects, previously deprecated, is now reinstated. Exercise caution when using dynamic group views in custom business objects.
Removal of the Update event registrations when a contact's address changes setting - The Update event registrations when a contact's address changes setting has been removed and is now always the expected behavior. Address changes for a contact are now automatically reflected in their open event registrations, ensuring all event-related reports and records are consistently updated with the latest address information.
- Creating recipient queries for communications
- Process Automation: Getting Started & Best Practices
- Pre-upgrade checklist:
- New Database section that contains a new pre-upgrade step: For those upgrading from on-premise, 20/20 Advance Program, or Direct SQL Access to cloud, you must ensure the database is has the correct collation. The following collation is required: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. To review or change the collation, see the Microsoft Documentation.
- Creating a new source and adding it to a form

Checking the settings for warnings and errors
To support onboarding and ongoing troubleshooting, the Settings Audit page will indicate errors or warnings when settings are improperly configured. Once identified, you can navigate to the relevant setting location and make the necessary corrections to resolve any issues. See Settings audit for details.
Clearing all potential duplicate contacts
Contact Merge - Plus allows system administrators to clear potential duplicates for either individuals or organizations, removing all duplicates from the Manage duplicates tab and profile pages of the contacts and eliminating clutter from outdated searches. Cleared contacts may reappear if they meet the criteria for future searches. See Clearing potential duplicates for details.
Simple and Advanced modes for the Content HTML content item
The Content HTML content item now has Simple and Advanced modes. The Simple mode consists of basic editing tools such as headings, bullet points, and alignment options while the Advanced mode consists of HTML capabilities and more extensive editing tools such as applying CSS and format stripping. See Content HTML for details.
- Public company account page theme update - The member-facing company account pages have been updated to reflect the new Flat White responsive theme.
- Determining when relationships are removed - The UpdatedOn and IsActive properties have been added to the CsRelationship business object to track when relationships are modified. These properties allow the TopClass integration to accurately track when the Company Administrator or Training Manager roles are removed from a contact record.
- Paying invoices using a direct link:
- To facilitate direct payments for invoices with outstanding balances, the Pay Invoice Link has been integrated into the following sample communication templates: Event Invoice, Event Invoice Report Writer, Invoice Notice, Invoice Notice Report Writer, Order Invoice, and Order Invoice Report Writer. For the event templates, the link is only presented to recipients receiving invoices with open balances.
- Logged-in users have the added option of using the direct debit payment method when paying an invoice via a direct link. Users who have not logged in will continue to have access to the credit and PayPal Express payment methods only.
- The Payment detail window has been enhanced to include an Entered by property that indicates whether a payment was submitted by a logged-in user or entered anonymously.
- The Payments made anonymously query (Finance > Pay Central > Find Payments) allows you to view details of all payments made anonymously, including the name on the credit card used for the payment if entered during the transaction.
- Getting Started & Best Practices:

Adjusting the Bill To contact on unpaid event invoices
Adjusting the bill to contact an unpaid event invoices
Easily modify the Bill to contact for unpaid event invoices that have an open balance. Once you make this adjustment, the original invoice is reversed, and a fresh invoice is issued to the designated contact. See Adjusting the Bill to contact on unpaid event invoices for details.
Paying invoices using a direct link
Paying invoices using a direct link
The communication creator enables you to dispatch direct payment links for invoices via email. These links allow recipients, whether logged in or not, to view pertinent invoice details and pay the full invoice balance on a secure page. When a payment is submitted by an unauthenticated user, it is associated with the Bill to contact. For authenticated users, payments are linked to the account of the logged-in user, whether they are paying their own invoices or on behalf of someone else. See Paying invoices using a direct link for details.
Open ID Connect (OIDC) available to public users
Public users can now access your RiSE websites with their external directory credentials. See Open ID Connect (OIDC) for public users for details.
- Identifying potential duplicate organizations based on name - Easily identify potential duplicate organizations based on their full name. To match organizations with the same name, select the Company Name formula from the manage duplicates settings.
- Public account page updates - The member-facing account pages have been updated to reflect the new Flat White responsive theme, along with additional tab and label changes. Out-of-the-box public account pages include a Membership and Transactions tab, so that associated information can be more easily found. The Giving tab has been removed, and donation details can be found on the new Transactions tab.
- Identifying missing payments - To mitigate unapplied payment related issues, there is a new Unapplied payment alert that appears on the Community and Finance dashboard. The alert contains a link that redirects to the Unapplied payments tab for more details. Specifically, one-off payments or the first payment of a recurring enrollment are tracked by this query.
- Simplifying aspects of event registration, cancellation, and waitlisting - The event registration user interface has been updated to simplify registering, cancelling, and waitlisting:
- Button updates:
- The Register Myself button is now larger and more noticeable.
- A new Check Out & Confirm Registration button has been added for new registrations.
- A new Check Out & Update Registration button is available for modifying existing registrations.
- A new Remove from Waitlist button has been conveniently placed in the registration area, making the management of waitlist statuses simpler and more efficient.
- Status messages:
- Enhanced status messages now provide clearer feedback when you are cancelling or adjusting registrations.
- Waitlisting event participants has more intuitive status messages such as Joining Waitlist and Waitlisted to keep you clearly informed.
- Interface changes:
- The Edit registrant information link has been replaced with a more streamlined Edit icon for easier access.
- Button updates:
- Membership Configuration Wizard Term length and primary fees update - When configuring member type billing options and fees, staff users can now choose another fixed term length other than the one already specified as the Default term length.
- Adding information to Media Assets proposals and insertion orders - When creating or updating media assets, organization contact and contract information can now be added and will appear on generated proposals and insertion orders.
Upgrade Changes
- Updated Image Manager and HTML post permissions - The Image Manager toolbar icon in the HTML editor and the Allow HTML in posts option in discussion forums are now restricted only to staff users, system administrators, and those with content authority roles.
- Dynamic groups views restricted - Using dynamic group views as the basis for custom business objects may lead to complex, poorly performing queries. To enhance iMIS system stability and performance, dynamic group views (those starting with vlqa) are no longer permitted for use when creating custom business objects. To avoid disruption of dependent system components, dynamic group views currently used in business objects will remain unaffected.
- Pre-upgrade checklist changes:
- Content folders under the root folder (@) cannot be named iMIS and should be renamed before upgrading.
- Product special pricing rules cannot be edited after the upgrade, so you must delete the rules and recreate them using the out-of-the-box implementation. This note contains SQL to help assist with removing the pricing rules from the necessary products.
- Testing communication templates:
- Panels:

Overview of new features: April 2024 (20.3.175)
iMIS Pay gateway renamed to Global Payments gateway
To distinguish the Pay Central Service (formerly DataVault) from the iMIS Pay gateway, the iMIS Pay gateway has been renamed to now be the Global Payments gateway.
View the details of a query using the new query audit tool
The query audit tool (RiSE > Maintenance > Query audit) offers an in-depth analysis of IQA queries, focusing on security permissions and data source utilization. Performing a query audit allows you to easily view and export each query's access level, REST API availability, and detailed source information, including the number of sources and display properties used. See Auditing queries for enhanced security management for full details.
Saving payment methods for future purchases
Saving payment methods for future purchases
Customers can now effortlessly save their payment information for future one-time purchases. This enhancement not only streamlines the checkout process for your customers but also elevates their satisfaction, encouraging more frequent and enjoyable engagements with your online store. See Using saved payment methods for details.
Additional formulas to Identify potential duplicates
New duplicate contact formulas
Contact Merge - Plus has been enhanced to offer greater flexibility and precision in identifying potential duplicate contacts and organizations. From the Manage duplicates settings, staff users can select a predefined potential duplicate formulas to better suit their needs for duplicate identification. Potential duplicates are identified based on the criteria in the selected formulas and then paired together and displayed in the Manage Duplicates tab. See Managing multiple duplicates for details.
Managing panel sources and properties without editing a panel
Managing panel sources and properties
Easily manage panel sources and properties without needing to first open a panel. The Panel sources window (RiSE > Panel Designer > Panel sources) now supports adding, editing, and removing properties from sources. This allows you to create new panel sources, define properties, and manage both sources and properties without the need to edit a panel.
Enhancements to IQA
In addition to an updated look-and-feel, the IQA user interface has been modified to improve usability, which includes the following changes:
- Basic mode has been removed, and Advanced mode is now standard.
- Display tab:
- Subtotal has been renamed to Group By.
- View all columns drop-down removed and now all properties display by default .
- Search bar to find properties has moved to the left side of the screen for more prominent access.
- System administrators can now edit SQL expressions after adding the expression.
- Filters tab:
- Prompt has been renamed to In Search?
- Limit the number of results returned option no longer a checkbox and is instead simply in use when a value is present in the text field.
- Security tab:
- Default security setting for new queries has changed from Authenticated Users Full Control to All Staff Full Control.
- Queries that must access the REST API must be configured to specifically grant API access. To do this, go to the query's Security tab and enable the Available via the REST API option. This action enables API access for the query; however, users attempting to access the query through the API are required to have the appropriate permissions as defined within the query itself.
- All out-of-the-box queries that contain sensitive information, such as names, home addresses, or phone numbers, have been updated to All Staff Full Control. If you are using an out-of-the-box query that was updated and must have it accessible to authenticated users, you must make a copy of the query and update the security settings.
Note: This update does not affect queries created before the change was implemented. However, for any new queries that need to be accessible to public users, the security setting will require modification.
Additional Enhancements
- Membership:
- Cancelling a membership automatically clears the Renewed through date - The previously manual task of clearing the Renewed through date following a membership cancellation has been automated. Whenever a membership renewal is cancelled, regardless of the method used, the Renewed through date for the contact is automatically cleared.
- Configure GST Inclusive tax products through the Membership configuration wizard - A tax amount can now be added to primary fees when the default financial entity is set to GST Inclusive, except for voluntary contributions. When a tax amount is entered, a new billing product is created with a GST label.
- Additional search criteria available when reversing open membership invoices - An additional search query is available when reversing multiple open membership and non-dues subscription invoices from Membership > Renewals > Reverse open invoices. Use the By most recent billing query to filter and reverse open membership invoices based on specific billing cycles, member types, and date-related criteria (such as the billing date and effective date).
- Panels:
- Increasing the length of panel text properties - When editing text properties for panel sources, you can now increase the Length. The new length cannot be less than the existing length and cannot exceed 4000.
- Adjusting the IQA display name for panel properties - The Panel sources window (RiSE > Panel Designer > Panel sources) now allows you to adjust the IQA display name for panel properties. This value updates the Prompt for field value in the related Business Object, which appears as the property name when the business object is used in a query.
- Websites:
- Changing the Website base URL no longer requires resetting IIS - Changing the Website base URL(s) for RiSE websites no longer requires an IIS reset. Navigation items automatically point to the new URL upon publishing the site.
- Cart sitemap navigation - When modifying the Cart [CartItemCount] sitemap, make sure the Navigation code is set to “Cart”; otherwise, the View Cart link will not appear on pages with the Product Display List content item.
- Payments:
- Stripe gateway enhancements for UK and Euro regions - The Stripe gateway no longer requires cancelling and reenrolling when updating an AutoPay enrollment. When an AutoPay enrollment is updated with a new payment method the first and last 4 digits of the card number will appear in the enrollment description.
- Communications:
- Complying with Google’s one-click unsubscribe email requirements - All emails with communication types that permit unsubscribing now include the necessary criteria for email clients like Google to generate a one-click unsubscribe button within their interface. This feature is supported for all communications except Advanced Email.

Overview of new features: January 2024 (20.3.171)
New responsive theme for public websites: Flat White
The Flat White theme is the newest addition to the Coffee family, replacing Mocha as the default theme for the member responsive site. Flat White introduces a cleaner more toned-down style, providing a contemporary and professional appearance. It includes animated content, allowing for certain features like the top navigation to fade in or cards to flip as you scroll down the page. The cleaner aesthetic, animated content, and responsive design collectively contribute to a more enjoyable and effective interaction between members and your organization's online presence.
Identifying duplicate organizations from the manage duplicates window
Easily identify and resolve potential duplicate organizations from the Manage duplicates window when you have the Contact Merge - Plus license. For more information, see Merging duplicate contacts.
Using saved payment methods
Empower customers with the convenience of using their saved payment methods on both the cart and Give Now pages, streamlining the checkout process. With this feature enabled, AutoPay enrollees will find their saved payment methods readily accessible. For all customers, the option to add new saved payment methods is conveniently located on their account page on the Preferences tab.
Moreover, system administrators have the flexibility to craft personalized messages that will be visible to customers upon enrolling in automatic renewals. See Using saved payment methods for more information.
Note: To use saved payment methods for all future purchases, you need to be licensed for AutoPay and have the Global Payments gateway configured accordingly.
Enhancing the usability of iMIS
Numerous usability enhancements have significantly improved the overall user experience within iMIS:
- Communication templates: When initiating communications, a confirmation message will now display, indicating the number of recipients for the communication. Users are provided with the choice to either send the message immediately or return to make any necessary adjustments. This valuable feature empowers senders to double-check their intentions, preventing any inadvertent or premature sending of messages.
- Communication templates: The Preview button has been relocated away from the Send button, and the Back button has been repositioned to the top for enhanced visibility.
- Queries: Staff users can now streamline the process of adding filters and sorts to IQA queries, as the need to click the add (+) button has been eliminated. Filters and sorts are seamlessly integrated into queries once selected from the drop-down menu.
- Queries: When utilizing IQA queries with multiple sources, the property names have been enhanced to incorporate the source name on the filters, sorts, and display tabs.
- Communities: The Save button has transformed to a Publish button when creating content for communities, ensuring that users are aware their content is promptly shared with the public.
Cancelling un-invoiced orders with payments
Authorized staff users can now cancel un-invoiced orders that have payments applied. To cancel an order, select Cancel order from the Actions drop-down of the order details page. Upon cancellation, the payment is unapplied from the order and transferred to a Credit Memo invoice. The payment then appears as an open credit on the customer's account.
Preventing duplicate contacts for events
The following enhancements have been made to prevent the creation of duplicate contacts when registering someone else for events:
- The Permit public users to register existing contacts setting now prevents public users from creating duplicate contacts they do not have read access to when registering someone else. When enabled, if users choose to Add a new contact and a duplicate record is detected, the existing duplicate is selected for registration, and the new contact is not created. See Event settings for more information.
- The Do not allow adding new contacts configuration option has been added to theEvent display content item. Enabling this option prevents users from adding new contacts when registering someone else, reducing the likelihood of duplicate entries. See Event display for more information.
Additional Enhancements
- Managing panel sources outside of Panel Definitions - The Panel sources window (RiSE > Panel Designer > Panel sources) introduces a centralized hub for managing panel sources. This window displays each panel source alongside its parent type and whether the source is multi-instance, and it allows staff to add new sources and delete unused sources without the need to edit a panel. Previously, panel sources could only be accessed during the process of editing a panel, meaning that any changes to the data source required accessing and modifying the panel directly.
- Enhancements to the Stripe onboarding process - The window for adding a Stripe gateway account now contains two links: Create a Stripe account and Begin the onboarding process. These links are designed to ensure compatibility with pop-up blockers and eliminate the need for users to manually save new Stripe gateways in iMIS. Upon selecting Begin the onboarding process, the new gateway automatically saves to iMIS, and the Stripe onboarding site opens in a new browser tab, without the need for disabling pop-up blockers.
- Okta supported as new OIDC integration - iMIS OpenID is now compatible with Okta. When configured, staff users may sign into iMIS using their Okta credentials. The Okta integration not only offers a seamless single sign on connection to iMIS, but also offers standards-compliant OAuth 2.0 authorization.
- Pay Central SDK - The Pay Central SDK streamlines payment processes, allowing iMIS clients to seamlessly integrate Pay Central functionality into external web pages while ensuring centralized and accurate record-keeping within iMIS.
- Requiring mobile phone in the Contact Account Creator - The Contact Account Creator content item now offers the option to make it mandatory for contacts to include a mobile phone number during the account creation process.
- Upgrade date displayed on About iMIS page - The About iMIS page has been enhanced to display the date of the most recent upgrade, accompanied by a convenient link to the Release Notes (New Features and Enhancements) page
Upgrade Changes
- Twitter has been changed to X - We've given a fresh look to all icons that used to feature the Twitter symbol, replacing them with the sleek new X icon. Furthermore, all content items that call for social media links have been seamlessly updated to reflect this change.
- vSOA ItemClass database view has been updated for improved performance - Viewing information in iMIS, such as a list of Event registrants, has become more efficient by enhancing the performance of returned results, especially when large amounts of information is requested.